FIMS Cloud

FaceR Identity Management System (Cloud)

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FaceR identity Management System Cloud is used to centralize and access your cloud based photographic stores using facial recognition. FIMS Cloud organizes, searches and centralizes access to photographic stores using 1:many web service based verification engine. Galleries of stored photos are made compatible with Picassa’s store based on Open Authentication and Open Identification (OAUTH,OPENID). See technical architecture for consumer and enterprise photo stores. As well Animetrics provides a private enterprise based photographic store via its own private API. FIMS Cloud is compatible with mobile devices including the iPhone and Android.

The Animetrics FaceR Identity Management System Cloud is a Web-service architecture for photographic manipulation, search and storage which has been designed to be barrier free for integration of photographic sources. Any mobile or fixed device which has HTTP communication protocol connectivity, links to the back end facial search engine serving the database of identities and privileges.

The web services are REST based. Face template generation and search/matching modules are implemented as FastCGI modules for efficiency and scalability. The massively scalable nature of the consumer market place is accommodated through web server/web farming technologies for dynamically managing fastcgi servers. The scalable nature of the database of identities to be searched is achieved via MongoDB, Map/Reduce, and sophisticated database indexing (see technical diagram).