Glossary of Terms

Anatomic Diffeomorphic Mapping (ADM)
A technique by which 3-dimensional objects that are not additive may be manipulated and modified. For example, to change a small chair into a large chair, you cannot add another chair, you must transform it. Diffeomorphic Mapping is the mathematical method to do this. The deformations do not simply scale the object, but can also perform detail changes, or small deformations. Animetrics™ has a patent-pending solution that uses diffeomorphic maps to generate realistic, accurate, fully structured and defined 3-dimensional avatars from a single 2-dimensional photographic view. ADM™ was invented by Dr. Miller.
A graphical representation of a human being in a computer. Avatars may be either 2 or 3-dimensional. They may also be created either entirely as computer graphics, or else by mapping digital photographs of a person onto a virtual 3D model. Animetrics' technology can turn a 2-dimensional photograph of a person's face into a 3-dimensional avatar, which can then be rotated to see parts of the face masked in the original photograph. Since the avatar is fully structured and articulating, it is also possible to reproduce facial expressions.
The application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Specifically, it is the science of developing computer databases and algorithms to facilitate and expedite biological research.
The science of using biological properties to identify individuals - for example: finger printing, facial recognition, retina scans and voice recognition.
Computational Anatomy (CA)
Co-invented by Animetrics' founder, Dr. Michael Miller, this is a method for using mathematical algorithms to compute equations of motion that generate anatomic structures. Computational Anatomy was originally used to derive equations for mapping brains that describe how tissue can grow, bend and change. These equations generate very realistic structures. Through Animetrics' proprietary implementation of these techniques, our patent-pending technology enables us to generate metrically precise 3-dimensional avatars that can are used for identification and tracking purposes.
A mathematical function used to smoothly alter the shape and other geometric properties of complex objects while preserving their basic topological structure.
Facial Recognition
Using characteristics of the face to identify an individual.
Image Plane
Any 2-dimensional medium upon which a 3-dimensional object can be displayed. Examples include photographs or video on a television screen.
Infinite Vector Space Environment Mapping (IVEM)
A complex, patent-pending solution that compensates for variation in environmental lighting conditions. IVEM is a breakthrough technology that can actually map light on a surface from an unlimited number of sources. Our ability to correct lighting variation in facial identification is far better than competing systems, which are 2-dimensional and assume there are discreet light sources. IVEM also allows our tracking technologies to work under highly varied lighting conditions.
Jump-Diffusion Tracking (JDT)
A method of image analysis whereby an initial state or pose is detected through feature analysis which identifies discreet regions of the subject image. Once the initial pose is resolved into the 3-dimensional coordinate system, a dense matching algorithm is used which iteratively refines the solution for a precise match. In facial tracking, this combination results in excellent speed, accuracy and robustness, currently unparalleled in the facial recognition market. JDT was co-invented by Dr. Miller.
Projective Geometry
The 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional object. Examples of projective geometry include a simple photograph of someone's face or the rendering of a 3-dimensional graph or model on a computer screen.