How Knowledgeable Are You About Facial Recognition?
Categories: Blog
By Paul Schuepp
One of the more important things for us to understand as we continue to enhance our facial recognition technology is how much our customers and potential customers understand about facial recognition technology. It’s also very useful for us to know what specific features users would like to see in future releases.
That’s why we are hoping you’ll take this short survey. It seeks to determine an average level of knowledge of face recognition, familiarity with various techniques, and the types of things that organizations would find most useful to improving performance and accuracy.
The origins of face recognition technology go back to the mid 1960s, and until about a decade ago, developments have progressed pretty slowly. However, in the last decade the accuracy and performance of face recognition has increased exponentially, making it more useful for a wide range of innovative applications in the commercial, law enforcement and security sectors.
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